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Every Document, Searchable


The most accurate OCR, out of the box

We are excited to announce a big new feature for our passionate users! We have integrated the latest machine learning powered Optical Text Recognition (OCR) software to make all of your documents immediately text-searchable.

Textract OCR

Leveraging Amazon's machine learning technology, when you upload a document to our system it will be fully text-searchable in seconds, no matter the file size. Check out this 11 second video in which we convert a scanned maintenance entry PDF into useful and accurate text:


The result? In seconds you go from this:


To this:



Research Everything Quickly

Leveraging this technology, you can convert your paper maintenance records to a searchable and digital format in about as much time as it takes you to scan them (or image with your phone). This lets you find anything at blazing fast speeds. For example, what's my transponder make, model, part number and even serial number? And when was it last inspected?



Recommended ADs/SBs/FARs

Why stop here? The system will recommend ADs, SBs, and FARs on a make/model level detail too. Use our new powerful researching tools to fine tune which inspections apply to your aircraft and track them.